Massage works to release and relieve the tension that builds from everyday stress along with overuse and misuse of our muscles through activity and exercise. Trained in various Massage techniques, our therapists will actively treat problem areas with remedial techniques and equally recommend
Remedial Massage Therapist
Reem is passionate about using a holistic approach to achieve and maintain health and wellbeing with clients. With over 12 years of experience she has developed and qualified in several modalities which include a diploma in remedial massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and more recently a degree in sports injury.
She has worked in both Australian and the UK in varied environments from clinics with sports individuals and general population to hospital environments with special populations.
She employs a combination of techniques as soft tissue massage, trigger points and myofascial release. Reem is a member of Australian traditional massage society (ATMS). Yoga plays a large part of her life and she is qualified as a yoga teacher for beginners. Her other interests include horse riding, and she is often found gardening in her spare time.
Remedial Massage Therapist
Originally from Brazil, Bianca has been living in Australia for almost 8 years where she discovered her passion for Massage and Alternative Therapies. After completing her studies at ACNT (Sydney Campus) and TAFE Queensland she is a fully qualified Remedial Massage Therapist and Reflexology Therapist. Recently, she also became a qualified Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage practitioner and a NurtureLife ® Pregnancy Massage Practitioner recognised by PMA (Pregnancy Massage Australia).
Bianca provides a very personal treatment to each client by understanding that everyBODY is unique and capable to heal in different ways.
Bianca is an accredited member of:
AMT (Association of Massage Therapists)
RAoA (Reflexology Association of Australia)
NurtureLife Pregnancy Massage Australia ®
Bianca provides a range of different treatments, including:
Swedish / Relaxation Massage
Relaxation massage techniques used to release stress and allow your body to fully relax improving blood circulation, lymphatic system and muscle repair.
Remedial Massage
Deep tissue style massage, therapeutic in nature. Designed to treat specific health issues, chronic muscle injuries and to improve body range of movement.
NurtureLife® Pregnancy Massage
Regular NurtureLife® Pregnancy Massage helps to support the many body changes occurring in pregnancy. Focus on the mother-baby connection creating a warm, safe, secure nurturing environment where mum can rest, relax and recharge. Assists in relieving many of the common causes of discomfort during pregnancy.
Holistic, noninvasive modality which applies pressure and soothing techniques to the areas of feet. Stimulates the circulation to restore energy flow helping clear blockages which may have occurred due to stress, toxins, illness, emotions and injury.
Brazilian Lymphatic Drainage Massage
A gently rhythmic and revitalising massage technique that promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, reduces swelling, edema and fluid retention, reduces the appearance of cellulite and boosts immune system functioning. This technique is particularly good for post surgery patients and for people with limited mobility and chronic health conditions that prevent the natural flow of lymph.
Visit Bianca’s website at:
Answers to our Massage FAQs
Remedial massage is a complementary therapy that aims to treat muscles that are damaged, knotted, tense or immobile. Remedial massage is used to locate and repair damaged areas of the body and speed up the body's own healing processes.
Stay hydrated, wear loose comfortable clothing and know your goals for the massage.
We will assess your history and locate the areas of concern, formulating a plan before you get ready to begin your massage. We advise our process and ask that you communicate any pain or feelings of discomfort that you may be feeling during your massage. This allows us to make any necessary adjustments.
Remedial massage therapy helps to find the cause of a problem and treat it. It may help with: headaches, bad posture, hip and back pain, lower back issues, shoulder and neck pain, sporting injuries, restrictions in breathing and movement.
Yes, you are able to claim your massage using our on-the-spot Hicaps system. Rebates will depend on your frequency of massage and the benefits which your health insurer allows under your policy.
Almost immediately a "looseness" and improved range of motion around the areas worked. If deep tissue work has taken place and you are not conditioned to it, you may feel sore the next day but we recommend heat packs or hot baths to add to the massage and help with any soreness as well as drinking plenty of water to help flush out any toxins.
Of course it all depends upon your condition but if you want to progress towards a specific outcome (less pain, more function, increased flexibility etc) a massage every 1 to 2 weeks works best. Once you are at a level of comfort, movement or performance then a massage every month is good at maintaining that level and nipping any minor aches or pains in the bud before they become chronic issues.