The power that made the body heals the body
Our Techniques
At Noosa Chiropractic we use proven, safe and effective chiropractic techniques suitable for all ages. We have checked spines that were a few days old to spines that are over 100 years old.
We use low force techniques to create the greatest change with the least amount of force. The low force techniques include pelvic blocking and using an Activator Instrument, as well as low force (amplitude) adjustments to specific subluxated regions of the spine.
The techniques include :
S.O.T (Sacro Occipital Technique) that is a low force technique that balances the cranium and sacrum. S.O.T uses pelvic blocking and cranial adjustment.
A.K. (Applied Kinesiology) is an advanced muscle testing procedure to test which parts of the body or spine are not functioning properly.
Activator technique uses the Activator Instrument to correct and stimulate subluxated areas of the body.
Other techniques include:
S.T.O (Soft Tissue Orthopedics)
N.E.T (Neuro Emotional Technique)
T.B.M (Total Body Modification)
As well as many other sports therapy techniques.
Each Adjustment has a pre-test, adjustment/spinal correction, and a post-test to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.
Whichever technique your treatment requires, rest assured that you are in safe hands with us.
Chiropractic is very similar to your dentist checking for teeth in the wrong place, chiropractic is checking for vertebrae in the wrong place - a subluxation. The concern when it is in the wrong place is it interferes with the transmission of information that is carried by your nerves to every part of your body. When these signals are inhibited from subluxations, there can be many affects from how well you digest your food to how well you fight off infection and/or disease.
On your first visit, your chiropractor will discuss your health history, current health situation and any specific goals you may have. The chiropractor will then perform a comprehensive physical examination. Please allow 45 minutes for your first visit. The consultation will allow the chiropractor to paint a picture to understand the underlying cause of your problem.
If x-rays are necessary you will be sent to Qscan where you will be bulk billed. After your initial consultation you will have a report of findings visit which is were where your chiropractor will explain the findings, provide recommendations and discuss a plan that fits to your schedule. -
X-rays provide a structural record of your spine. They locate fractures, previous traumas and identify evidence of long term wear and tear. X-rays are extremely useful as they are a snapshot of the spine adding an extra level of information that helps us, help you.
Our care should be utilised for as long as it is serving you to become a better, healthier and more vibrant you. Noosa Chiropractic believes that no matter your age, your body should be moving as optimally as it can and with ease. Most patients choose to stay with us for general well-being care as they prioritize preventative health care and like the way they feel and function after a chiropractic adjustment.
Just as you would not go to the gym once and expect to be fit for life, the benefits of chiropractic are better felt through consistent care. We all experience different stressors throughout our life that can impact our health and so maintaining an interference free nervous system with optimal communication and connection is essential for health through a lifetime.
Absolutely! We recommend children be checked from birth. Whether natural, assisted or cesarean the birth process can impact your child’s spinal cord and nervous system. When growing and progressing through milestones, children experience bumps, falls and accidents almost daily. These incidents can cause their spine to misalign just like it does in the adult spine. Chiropractic care for children aims to keep their spines and therefore their nervous systems healthy. Chiropractic care is safe for adults, babies and children and is a natural wellness care for all family members.
Absolutely! There are a number of reasons why our patients visit us during their pregnancy including lower back pain, headaches, hip pain, pubic symphysis pain, optimal fetal positioning, pelvis and uterine ligament tension and more. The female body undergoes massive physical changes, not to mention all of the added stressors on the spine and nervous system during pregnancy and in particular postpartum. Chiropractic care is a vital support for pregnant and postpartum women, to ensure the spine and pelvis are balanced to accommodate the changes that take place in the body throughout and beyond pregnancy.
Our chiropractors modify their techniques to support your body through the various stages of your pregnancy and postpartum. Our pregnancy pillows and tables are designed specifically for pregnant women, babies and young children. -
Yes we do and yes you can! HICAPS is an acronym for the Health Industry Claims and Payments Service - an electronic health claims and payments system that allows registered healthcare providers to process these claims instantly, which means you receive the benefit you’re entitled to on the day of treatment, rather than being out of pocket until your claim is assessed and paid manually.
We are preferred providers for Medibank and BUPA members.
Our spines go out of alignment for many reasons. This can be through daily activities, traumas, falls, accidents etc. However in our technological world we also find that sitting at a computer for long periods of time or constantly checking looking down at our cell phones can cause a misalignment. Commonly we are born with misaligned spines as a result of the birthing process. So it is very important for your whole family to be checked and for you to maintain a wellness care program